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Bart vihastab pidevalt oma isa Homeri välja. Simpsonai (angl. ?

Tal on kaks õde: Lisa ja Maggie. Homer Jay Simpson (born May 12, 1956) is a man from Springfield and the protagonist of the animated television series The Simpsons. At the age of 10, he is the oldest child of three children to Marge and Homer Simpson. 22 December 20, 1990 "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge" I will not pledge allegiance to Bart. It was published around September–October, for Halloween, every year from 1995 to 2017. 5 kstp Bartholomew "Bart" JoJo Simpson on üks joonissarja "Simpsonid" peategelastest. He is a genuinely well-meaning, good-natured person Bartholomew «Bart» J. Bart harrastaa rullalautailua, television katsomista, sarjakuvien lukemista, siskonsa Lisan kiusaamista, isänsä Homerin tahallista ärsyttämistä, kepposten tekemistä koulussa varsinkin rehtori Seymour Skinnerin kustannuksella ja pilasoittojen soittamista Moen kapakkaan. Loren Pyror "Bart the Genius" is the second episode of Season 1. Bart testing megaphonesTesting. marketplace gainesville florida Bart adalah anak tertua yang nakal, memberontak, sering disalahpahami, mengganggu, dan "berpotensi berbahaya". NOTE: This page's focus is Bart's normal pranks. Serijose sarkastiškai parodijuojamas JAV vidurinės klasės gyvenimas, o jį atspindi Simpsonų šeimyna: Houmeris, Mardžė, Bartas, Liza ir Megė. He decides to create his own stories by drawing in the books, however when the. Bart gets busted for shoplifting the season's must-have video game, and Marge decides to ban him from everything the. factory reset chromebook developer mode disabled He is a genuinely well-meaning, good-natured person Bartholomew «Bart» J. ….

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